Aluminum Scratch Mold Workshop
For Art All Day
at AbOminOg  International Arts Collective, 2 Pearl St., Trenton, NJ, 11/9/13,
12 – 5 PM

Make a 6” hexagonal tile by scratching your design into a sand mold, see it poured with
molten Aluminum, and take it home.

Kate and Steve pour
Kate grabs crucible

Kate Graves and Steve Morse prepare to pour aluminum scratch molds at the recent Wheaton Arts Festival of Fine Craft in Millville, NJ.  Steve and Kate will be pouring aluminum at 2 Pearl St. on 11/9/13.  For a cost of $40 (kids up to 15 $20), participants can make a 6” aluminum tile.  Participants can see it poured and if time permits, have it cleaned up to take home.  Else tiles will be mailed for no additional charge.  We have 16 scratch molds available, so order here if you want to be sure to get one.

Buy now with Paypal

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Steve checks the melt

Unlike iron casting, which requires a crew, aluminum casting can be a small scale DIY  operation with a homemade furnace running off a small propane tank like a gas grill uses.  Steve and Kate have made and used these furnaces, and will be using one on 11/9. 


Pictures below show participants, molds, and finished tiles from the Wheaton Arts workshop.
Prim tile
Dad and son
